Our Vision is to be a worshipping congregation
We live out that vision by proclaiming God’s word and praising God in song and prayer, blending the liturgical traditions of our Cameroonian and US-born communities.
Our Vision is to be a nurturing community
We live out that vision by forming a multi-cultural Christian community, nurturing relationships, and celebrating our joyful life in Christ.
Our Vision is to be a witnessing body
We live out that vision by worshiping and studying the Bible together to grow in faith and understanding so we can authentically proclaim God’s word to all and can invite others to serve Christ joyfully.
Our Vision is to be a loving part of God’s family
We live out that vision by forming a multi-cultural Christian community reflective of that family, and inviting others to celebrate life in joyful service to the Head of that family, Jesus Christ.
Finally, our Vision is to be faithful stewards of God’s creation
The fact that we are one of only three congregations in the presbytery to have earned designation as an Earth Care Congregation is evidence that we have lived – and continue to live – out that vision.