
Men’s Breakfast

Join us on the third Sunday of each month from 8:30 to 9:30 am for the monthly Men's Breakfast. All men are welcome!  These breakfasts are an opportunity to share food, fellowship, and conversation about church or spiritual issues in a conducive environment.

If you are able, please bring a favorite breakfast dish to share.  But whether you can bring any food or not, you are welcome and earnestly invited to attend the appropriate monthly breakfasts.


Women’s Breakfast

Join us on the third Sunday of each month from 8:30 to 9:30 am. These breakfasts are an opportunity to share food, fellowship, and conversation about church or spiritual issues in a conducive environment.

If you are able, please bring a favorite breakfast dish to share.  But whether you can bring any food or not, you are welcome and earnestly invited to attend the appropriate monthly breakfasts.